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Warren Seymour Classic 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 01.07.2024 01:58:26, Creator/Last Upload:

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Štartová listina

1CMBrown, Akeem7402023JAM2025
2FMMoncur, Cecil10400583BAH1852
3Ferguson, Joseph10400109BAH1791
4Pride, Avian10401202BAH1771
5CMAlbury, Noah10401130BAH1740
6Whyms, Chapell10400125BAH1726
7WCMJohnson, Daijah10400591BAH1684
8Pride, Curtis10401199BAH1664
9Pride, Chika10401601BAH1521
10Basden, MichaellBAH0
11Cargill, Sean10402276BAH0
12Culmer, MarcianoBAH0
13Edwards, N’KrumahBAH0
14Forbes, DelontaeBAH0
15Hawkins, Barrington10402225BAH0
16Mcgregor, Amaris10402063BAH0
17Moss, TravezBAH0
18Rolle, Danica10402012BAH0
19Smith, AidenBAH0
20Storr, Mark10402268BAH0
21Symonette, KymaniBAH0
22Trotman, James10402144BAH0
23Turnquest, Caerwyn10401881BAH0
24Williams, Diana10400982BAH0