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بطولة المناطق الاولي بالرياض 2024 للسيدات

Last update 28.06.2024 18:45:30, Creator/Last Upload: SCF

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Starting rank

1Rithiha, Balamurugan88107213IND1423
2Alahmari,, Wejdan Abdulrahman M21537690KSA0
3Alameel,, Mona KhalidKSA0
4Alghamdi,, Maha Ahmed A21524041KSA0
5Almansori,, Hams Mohammed A21531323KSA0
6Alotaiby,, Asmaa KhalidKSA0
7Assai,, SetahKSA0
8Mohammed,, SaraKSA0
9Sayeed, GoharInd0