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אליפות ירושלים 2024 על שם אריה רוזנברג

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.08.2024 21:19:05, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 150)

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1FMShabtai, Ran2800624ISR2091
2Cohen, Alon2801809ISR2073
3Berenboym, Igor2810123ISR2002
4Lubin, YosefISR1992
5Koritz, TzviISR1936
6Zrihan, Dan2832992ISR1916
7Travinsky, Mark*2811537ISR1908
8Rudnev, NikolayISR1905
9Kessler, BinyaminISR1900
10Levin, Natan2810166ISR1846
11Mertz, BenyaminISR1824
12Yehoshua, Azgad2820412ISR1775
13Landa, AvrahamISR1755
14Zwiebel, MichaelISR1754
15Hochman, Gur2859726ISR1751
16Oliel, Yehonatan2834928ISR1736
17Vilenchuk, Daniel2867303ISR1703
18Waxman, MarkISR1690
19Gofshtein, Semion2807734ISR1684
20Sharabani, YaacovISR1668
21Afriat, FrankISR1667
22Cohen, NitayISR1638
23Lukovski, Lev4634837GER1619
24Dubinsky, AlexanderISR1602
25Cherem, Yoseph2865084ISR1570
26Weber, ZivISR1531
27Lipton, YosephISR1515
28Shmuel, Eyal2859092ISR1437
29Cherem, Yaacov2871343ISR1400
30Feldman, NadavISR1389
31Peretz, Odeda2842874ISR1341