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8th Eastern Asian Youth Rapid Chess Championship 2024 - G14Վերջին արդիացում21.07.2024 02:53:01, Creator/Last Upload: Malaysian Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | ACM | Mohd, Afif Ainul Mardhiah | 35824719 | MAS | 1723 |
2 | | | Ng, Jing Xuan Alyssa | 5828740 | SGP | 1682 |
3 | | | Galleguez, Kena Areld | 5248000 | PHI | 1632 |
4 | | | Nicolas, Nika Juris | 115110834 | PHI | 1618 |
5 | | | Min, Amarawatti | 13018191 | MYA | 1608 |
6 | | | Rosli, Ain Insyirah | 5734606 | MAS | 1605 |
7 | | ACM | Paquinol, Ashzley Aya Nicole | 5261724 | PHI | 1602 |
8 | | | Yvonne, Yeoh Xin Ying | 5739322 | MAS | 1568 |
9 | | | Tran, Ngoc Minh Khue | 12431664 | VIE | 1550 |
10 | | | Serina, Lila Alyssa | 5262186 | PHI | 1544 |
11 | | | Hong, Jueun | 13212702 | KOR | 1542 |
12 | | | Zee, Hyeonjeong | 13215663 | KOR | 1527 |
13 | | WCM | Tselmuun, Dorjsuren | 4907060 | MGL | 1489 |
14 | | | Ge, Yixuan | 8645841 | CHN | 1459 |
15 | | | Yap, Rae Lynn | 35808691 | MAS | 1457 |
16 | | | Hoang, Hanh Linh | 12437018 | VIE | 1441 |
17 | | | Lim, Divine Charmaine | 7132883 | INA | 1441 |
18 | | | Yashika, Das | 33339554 | SGP | 1429 |
19 | | | Dinh, Ngoc Chi | 12437034 | VIE | 0 |