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Liga Uruguaya Regional Norte Sub 12 Artigas

Last update 17.08.2024 23:12:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

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Starting rank

1Araya, Ayelen3030628URU0
2Benamu, Zahir3020860URU0
3Cardozo, Geronimo3030555URU0
4Esquibel, Juan3030563URU0
5Etchevarria, Guadalupe3030342URU0
6Fernandez Garin, Bruno3022064URU0
7Gimenez, Pierina3030717URU0
8Molina, Renzo3030474URU0
9Nicolas, Sofia3021483URU0
10Nunez, Emiliano3020720URU0
11Olivera, Keoma3021505URU0
12Perez Sant Anna, Diego3030482URU0
13Severo, Maximiliano3030253URU0
14Svedov, Dylan3030490URU0