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Philippine ROTC Games 2024 WOMEN DIVISION - BLITZ

Darrera actualització27.06.2024 09:40:54, Creador: Phil Chess Society,Darrera càrrega: Philippines Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

1AVELLANEDA, Hannah Claire A.PHI0Zamboanga State College Of Marine S
2BANDIALA, Maybeline C.PHI0Northwestern Mindanao State College
3BULAONG, Princess B.PHI0Zamboanga State College Of Marine S
4CAYANG, Fathymary B.PHI0Phinma-Cagayan De Oro College
5GALVEZ, Danicabell G.PHI0Western Mindanao State University
6ISNANI, Shaina Jane A.PHI0Mindanao State University - Sulu
7OBIANO, Nowela Jean L.PHI0Southern Mindanao Institute Of Tech
8PANTALEON, RosviePHI0Zamboanga State College Of Marine S
9SEDILLO, Trekcy Hygiea G.PHI0Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic Sta
10YAHIYA, Zarah-Shela S.PHI0Southern City Colleges