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Torneo de Ajedrez SNTSS 2024 - Club Ajedrez CancĂșn

Last update 26.06.2024 22:00:59, Creator/Last Upload: Alberto Blanco Mier y Teran

Starting rank list of players

7Orlayneta, Quime IsraelMEX1706Quintana Roo
5Villarce, Osorio AlanMEX1676
1Cruz Solis, Ronaldo de JesusMEX0
2Cruz Sosa, GabrielMEX0
4Fernandez Dzul, Angel IsmaelMEX0
3Herrera Perez, James ClifortMEX0
8Liceas Justiniano, Max RodrigoMEX0
6Sepulveda Rivera, Juan JoseMEX0