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SJH Class Tournament

Last update 26.06.2024 20:45:58, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

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Starting rank

1Anderson, Malia0
2Bedessie, Ambilika0
3Bhagwanidin, Adrian0
4Bissoon, Eliana0
5Chow, Christella0
6Clarke, Quince0
7Cummings, Rondell0
8Dodson, Luwanda0
9Dunbar, Jaydon0
10Foo, Trishal0
11Fraser, Emanuelley0
12Grant, Tivon0
13Harry, Emily0
14Harte, Ezra0
15Hazel, Keianna0
16Henry, Imo0
17Khan, Sebastian0
18Lautan, Ahalia0
19Lee-Sam, Shane0
20Lyken, Travis0
21McAlman, Isaiah0
22Murphy, Kailee0
23Pyle, Melroy0
24Rai, Hema0
25Roberts, Shaniya0
26Roderigues, Gabriella0
27Spencer, Ethan0
28Stoute, Keymali0