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ACEM Rising Stars Tournament Under 16

Darrera actualització27.06.2024 20:12:56, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Mohamed Kerkeni

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Rànquing inicial

1Zena, Ilef5515084TUN1657
2Belanes, Ahmed5534119TUN1615
3Zena, Rawaf5515220TUN1602
4Naguez, Loujein5513812TUN1504
5Zena, Hachem5515017TUN1490
6Charfeddine, Chadi5524628TUN1463
7Saad, Hayder5544025TUN1443
8Bahria, Rassim5524601TUN1408
9Saad, Mohamed Hedi5550866TUN0
10Souyeh, Bassem5534100TUN0