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Last date for entry 19th July
Top 10 Boys and 10 Girls -Trophies
Entry Fee Rs. 500/- Phone Pay/ Gpay : 9581234009
Number of rounds 5 (R1 : 9.30am; R2:11am; Lunch : 12pm to 1pm;
Rd 3 : 1pm ; Rd 4 : 2:30pm; Rd 5 : 4pm ; Prize Distribution : 6pm
Contact : 9581234009

1st Warrior Chess Academy U11 Boys& Girls Tourney 21st Jul Sunday 9.30am to 6pm at Origin Intl School, APR Naga, Patanchru, Hyd Fee Rs. 500/- Cont 9581234009

Last update 21.07.2024 14:15:12, Creator/Last Upload: S Subbaraju Hyderabad

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Starting rank

1Bruhathi, Kondisetti25125001IND1467F11
2Viraaj, Anand Khot88159426IND1441U11
3Sai, Ritheesh S48744638IND1440U11
4A Rohit,IND0U11
5Abhinav reddy dodla,IND0U11
7Anirudh Gundoju,IND0U11
8Bathula srinadh yadav,IND0U11
9Ch Nandini Reddy,IND0F11
10Ch. Venkata Harsha,IND0U11
12Dohal Snithik Rao,IND0U11
13G Sri Advaith Reddy,IND0U11
15Harshith D,IND0F11
16Kabir Rais,IND0U11
17Karthikeya Thangirala,IND0U11
18Lohitaksh B,IND0U11
19M Rehanulla,IND0U11
20Mallu Kushal Reddy,IND0U11
23Manotanvik Yadav,IND0U11
24Mayank Choudhary,IND0U11
25Modhupalli Aadyay,IND0U11
26Mokshit Rao,IND0U11
27Mounish A,IND0U11
28Nayanaksh Reddy J,IND0U11
31P.Tanish Reddy,IND0U11
32Pranay Krishna Manjula,IND0U11
33R Harshith,IND0U11
34Rohit Karthikeya,IND0U11
35Ronav Kasala,IND0U11
36Saanvita Doddapaneni,IND0F11
37Sai Aaradhya Perla,IND0F11
38Sai Sriansh,IND0U11
39Sai Pratham,IND0U11
40Samanvitha Banala,IND0F11
41Sathwik Reddy Police,IND0U11
42Sri Rama Karthikeya T,IND0U11
43Srujan(DOB ?),IND0U11
44Trishul Gorla,IND0U11
46Vivaan, Sriakshaj Velagaleti48772046IND0U11
47Vrishank Mangarai,IND0U11