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Last date for entry 19th July
Top 10 Boys and 10 Girls -Trophies
Entry Fee Rs. 500/- Phone Pay/ Gpay : 9581234009
Number of rounds 5 (R1 : 9.30am; R2:11am; Lunch : 12pm to 1pm;
Rd 3 : 1pm ; Rd 4 : 2:30pm; Rd 5 : 4pm ; Prize Distribution : 6pm
Contact : 9581234009

1st Warrior Chess Academy U13 Boys& Girls Tourney 21st Jul Sunday 9.30am to 6pm at Origin Intl School, APR Naga, Patanchru, Hyd Fee Rs. 500/- Cont 9581234009

Last update 21.07.2024 14:20:18, Creator/Last Upload: S Subbaraju Hyderabad

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Starting rank

1Abhinav Varma Kalidindi,IND0U13
2Abhiram Akula,IND0U13
3Arvika .G(???),IND0F13
4Ayush Kumar,IND0U13
5B Naga Saharsh Reddy,IND0U13
6B Sai Suhas,IND0U13
7Bathula srinadh yadav,IND0U13
8D Navadeep,IND0U13
9Divyansh Garg,IND0U13
10Gonguluru Sudheer,IND0U13
11Goutham, Sai Kanaka429058724IND0U13
12Harshit Rama,IND0U13
13Kasula Eesha Chandrika,IND0F13
14Krishna Vihaan K,IND0U13
15Leena Reddy Kolli,IND0U13
16Nihan Banala,IND0U13
17Nitin Krishna,IND0U13
18Parnika B,IND0F13
19Pratyush Sahoo,IND0U13
20Rishi Gudivada (dob ?),IND0U13
21Sahasra Lekha B,IND0F13
22Shourya Bemagani,IND0U13