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Last date for entry 19th July
Top 10 Boys and 10 Girls -Trophies
Entry Fee Rs. 500/- Phone Pay/ Gpay : 9581234009
Number of rounds 5 (R1 : 9.30am; R2:11am; Lunch : 12pm to 1pm;
Rd 3 : 1pm ; Rd 4 : 2:30pm; Rd 5 : 4pm ; Prize Distribution : 6pm
Contact : 9581234009

1st Warrior Chess Academy U15 Boys& Girls Tourney 21st Jul Sunday 9.30am to 6pm at Origin Intl School, APR Naga, Patanchru, Hyd Fee Rs. 500/- Cont 9581234009

Last update 21.07.2024 14:19:46, Creator/Last Upload: S Subbaraju Hyderabad

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Starting rank

1Boggavarapu Rohith,IND0U15
2Chetan Sai. E,IND0U15
3G Buvan Sriram,IND0U15
4Hasini Badri,IND0F15
5Nachiketa Vellikad,IND0U15
6P. Rian Reddy,IND0U15