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Eliminatorias Departamentales Intermedio Boaco Masculino

Վերջին արդիացում26.06.2024 01:56:40, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Maury Escalante

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Treminio Umanzor, Leonel Alejandro6112048NCA1739Boaco
2Alvarado, Osniel SamuelNCA0San Lorenzo
3Amador Rayos, José FranciscoNCA0Camoapa
4Castillo Bravo, Rosmel CalebNCA0Boaco
5Hurtado Borge, Luisfran EliutNCA0Camoapa
6Jarquín Centeno, Steven NoelNCA0Santa Lucia
7Martinez Urbina, Dharel EugenioNCA0Santa Lucia
8Reyes Calero, Geniel AntonioNCA0San Lorenzo
9Reyes Obando, Edward JoséNCA0Boaco
10Rodriguez Lopez, Willian NoelNCA0Teustepe
11Rodriguez, Rolando EnriqueNCA0Camoapa
12Rojas Granado, Jefferson EnriqueNCA0Teustepe
13Sandoval Alvarez, Bismarck Antonio6112650NCA0Boaco
14Silva Rivas, Roger DanielNCA0San Lorenzo
15Urroz Gonzales, Chester AlonsoNCA0Camoapa
16Valle Jarquin, Edgar OtonielNCA0Santa Lucia