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Darrera actualització26.06.2024 01:56:05, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Carlos Maury Escalante

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Rànquing inicial

1Cubas Cerda, Nahomy Nazareth6111092NCA0Boaco
2Garcia, Isayana MilagroNCA0Santa Lucia
3González Soza, Lismarling GuadalupeNCA0Boaco
4Gutiérrez Amador, Dulce MariaNCA0Camoapa
5Lacayo Marin, Anairis NazarethNCA0San Lorenzo
6Lopez, Esther GuadalupeNCA0Santa Lucia
7Mendoza Arana, Rambel IdoleysiNCA0Camoapa
8Moreno Rocha, Nicole MarietNCA0Boaco
9Olivas Arroliga, Nayensis DanitzaNCA0San Lorenzo
10Robles Picado, Leslie JahairaNCA0Teustepe
11Sandoval Matus, Priscila MariamNCA0Boaco
12Suazo Sandoval, Francis MilagrosNCA0Camoapa