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Eliminatorias Departamentales Intermedio Boaco Femenino Վերջին արդիացում26.06.2024 01:56:05, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Maury Escalante
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Cubas Cerda, Nahomy Nazareth | 6111092 | NCA | 0 | Boaco |
2 | | Garcia, Isayana Milagro | | NCA | 0 | Santa Lucia |
3 | | González Soza, Lismarling Guadalupe | | NCA | 0 | Boaco |
4 | | Gutiérrez Amador, Dulce Maria | | NCA | 0 | Camoapa |
5 | | Lacayo Marin, Anairis Nazareth | | NCA | 0 | San Lorenzo |
6 | | Lopez, Esther Guadalupe | | NCA | 0 | Santa Lucia |
7 | | Mendoza Arana, Rambel Idoleysi | | NCA | 0 | Camoapa |
8 | | Moreno Rocha, Nicole Mariet | | NCA | 0 | Boaco |
9 | | Olivas Arroliga, Nayensis Danitza | | NCA | 0 | San Lorenzo |
10 | | Robles Picado, Leslie Jahaira | | NCA | 0 | Teustepe |
11 | | Sandoval Matus, Priscila Mariam | | NCA | 0 | Boaco |
12 | | Suazo Sandoval, Francis Milagros | | NCA | 0 | Camoapa |