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Salcete Taluka U14 Girls Inter School Selection 2024

Last update 24.06.2024 11:10:36, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
111. Presentation Convent H/S Margao5410916,579
222. Monovikas E. M. S. Margao541091674
332Vidya Vikas Academy5401815,572,5
49Bhatikar Model Eng. H/S Margao531171477,5
533. Mahila & Nutan Eng H/S Margao531171470
630The Kings School5311712,570,5
712Dr. K. B. Hedgewar H/S5311712,568,5
825Sacret Heart of Jesus Carmona5311711,560,5
913Fatima Convent H/S Margao530261374,5
1029St. Therezas Conv H/S Raia530261258
118Bethany Convent H/S522161162,5
1210Bloomz International School, Nuvem514061157
28St. Rita's H/S Maina522161157
1424RKM Govt. H/S Vidyanagar522161063,5
1520Perpetual Succor Conv. H/S Navelim522161062,5
1623Ravindra Kelekar Dnyanmandir5212511,566
177Auxilium H/S Benaulim521251059
1819O. L. O Snows H/S Raia52125957,5
1927St. Mary H/S Varca521258,558,5
2018Maria Bombina Conv. H/S Cuncolim520341051,5
2114Holy Rosary Conv. H/S520349,561
2217IQRA H/S Margao52034958,5
2311Crescent School, Fatorda52034952,5
2415Holy Spirit Inst. Margao52034861
2526Shree Mahalasa Narayana H/S Verna511338,551
2616Infant Jesus H/S, Colva511337,558,5
274A. I. M. Eng H/S Dovorlim51133661,5
2831V. G. Shenvi H/S, Rawanfond51042739
2922Posh Eng H/S51042647
3021Popular Eng H/S Margao51042553
315A. I. M. Salcete H/S Rumdamol51042540,5
326Adarsh H/S Margao50050036,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum Of team-points Of the opponents And own points)