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Swieqi Juniors Rapid U18 - June 2024

Last update 13.07.2024 22:35:15, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Portelli, Matthew5604931MLT1827
2ACMGrima Bongailas, Isaac5604087MLT1694
3Kosik, Vince783846HUN1665
4Zangrilli, Leonardo5603080MLT1604
5Sigona, Raffaele5604702MLT1589
6Gauci, Andre5602777MLT1529
7Pace, Zach5604907MLT1523
8Refalo, John5605164MLT1503
9Pace, Dante5604206MLT1499
10Medvedskii, Viktor522058397MLT1491