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3er Torneo Liga Mexico Nuevo Categoria Media-Mayor

Last update 22.06.2024 23:21:21, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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Starting rank

1Ruiz Bolanos, Eithan1888
2Tuk Martin, Dana Katherine1665
3Macias Gonzalez, Luis Mariano1605
4Saavedra Tapia, Jesus Alexander1600
5Sanchez Vazquez, Dario Alejandro1565
6Ortiz Valerio, Julian Mateo1559
7Flores Cruz, Ana Valeria1530
8Serrano Vaquero, Juan Gilberto1471
9Arellano Orozco, German1454
10Cordova Sanchez, Andre1382
11Flores De La Cruz, Andres Saul1375
12Garcia Castro, Paulo Rodrigo1332
13Munguia Enriquez, Carlos Manuel1326
14Hernandez Rueda, Clarissa Alizee1287
15Cordova Sanchez, Dante1200
16Nava Torres, Frida Isabella0
17Ramirez Salazar, Dhani Ivan0
18Rodriguez Lopez, Bianca0
19Ulloa Rodriguez, Alan Fernando0