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Campeonato Nacional Juvenil Sub 20 - Masculino y Femenino

Last update 08.07.2024 01:51:19, Creator/Last Upload: guybengu1950

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Starting rank list

1Vanegas Lopez, Natanael Emanuel6108326NCA2077
2Valle Alonso, Moises Abraham6109560NCA1953
3Munoz Cortez, Anahi Alexandra6109527NCA1908
4Espinoza Guerrero, Felix Alberto6104762NCA1886
5Ceballos Reyes, Roberto Carlos6112439NCA1864
6Arauz Espinoza, Douglas Ariel6110410NCA1847
7Perez Salazar, Jimmy Alberto6108997NCA1805
8Bojorge Plata, Edwin Ramses6112854NCA1785
9Munoz Cortez, Jonathan Eduardo6109535NCA1785
10Huete Lorio, Franier Paul6112935NCA1763
11Martinez Orozco, Cristiana Yorlene6107079NCA1757
12Pavon Ruiz, Cristhoffer Israel6108628NCA1756
13Solorzano Hernandez, Stiven Jose6111904NCA1742
14Aguilar Bejarano, Pablo Sebastian6109705NCA1735
15Colomer Fonseca, Eric Gabriel6112137NCA1720
16Jimenez Lira, Julio Cesar6110061NCA1710
17Lopez Bravo, Axel Enoc6110924NCA1675
18Briones Leiva, Adyari Daniela6112803NCA1661
19Rodriguez Gonzalez, Meyling Vanesa6112641NCA1659
20Carcache Acevedo, Henry Jose6111777NCA1637
21Cantero Turcios, Randy Jose6108792NCA1621
22Serrano Herrera, Daniela De Andrea6107168NCA1600
23Oviedo Rocha, Mateo Javier6108598NCA1579
24Espinoza Barrios, Marelys Cristina6112790NCA1578
25Berrios Cuadra, Michael Stefan6110193NCA1573
26Pena Baltodano, Yaddolly6111599NCA1523
27Brizuela Rivera, Jose Alejandro6111858NCA1509
28Arteaga Porras, Alejandro Jose6113893NCA0
29Bustos Roblero, Leo Gabriel6113516NCA0
30Espinoza Guerrero, David Alexander6112390NCA0
31Guevara Saenz, Oscar Emmanuel6113273NCA0
32Lopez Urrutia, Diego Zahid6113443NCA0
33Morales Urbina, Michelle Vanessa6113877NCA0
34Reyes Chavarria, Elmara Antonella6113486NCA0
35Reyes Chavarria, Elmer Antonio6113478NCA0
36Rodriguez Hernandez, Ezequiel Alejandro6113206NCA0