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Campeonato Escolar de Ajedrez Valle 417 Preparatoria

Last update 22.06.2024 21:27:23, Creator/Last Upload: IA FERNANDO CORTINA MONTES

Starting rank list of players

5Duran Gen, Iker5185882MEX1687Guanajuato
1Lee, Martinez Samanta SinaiMEX1655Guanajuato
4Serrato, Mendoza Sergio Tonatiuh29619882MEX1625Guanajuato
2Sandoval, Hernandez Noe GazelemMEX1620Guanajuato
6Ojeda, Perez EdgarMEX1523Guanajuato
3Juarez Cardenas, Gael AndresMEX0Guanajuato