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Campeonato Escolar de Ajedrez Valle 417 Primaria Baja

Last update 29.06.2024 06:09:03, Creator/Last Upload: IA FERNANDO CORTINA MONTES

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Starting rank

1Bravo Alvarez, Karel29626676MEX1581Guanajuato
2Garcia Juarez, TadeoMEX1494Guanajuato
3Acacio Torres, Isaac Francisco29638330MEX1478Guanajuato
4Acevedo Alba, Tiago YahelMEX0Guanajuato
5Alcantara Gomez, JulianaMEX0Guanajuato
6Baeza Baca, MauroMEX0Guanajuato
7Gomez Rodriguez, Andrea VictoriaMEX0Guanajuato
8Martinez Vidal, Mateo JacoboMEX0Guanajuato
9Mosqueda Jimenez, Dana JulietaMEX0Guanajuato
10Ramirez Hernandez, Erick AlbertoMEX0Guanajuato
11Razo Bravo, Maria ConstanzaMEX0Guanajuato
12Sandoval Hernandez, MiguelMEX0Guanajuato