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Last update 22.06.2024 20:10:43, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy

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Starting rank

1Salazar, JuioMEX1770
2Davis, MikeMEX1754
3Camargo, RickyMEX1700
4Salazar, PedroMEX1700
5Davis, DavidMEX1561
6Domiguez, AngelMEX1500
7Dominguez, AlanMEX1500
8Flores, GenesisMEX1500
9Flores, LeoMEX1500
10Gaytan, MauricioMEX1500
11Loredo, AzulMEX1500
12Valadez, ValentinaMEX1500
13Herrera, AndreMEX1456
14Rangel, MatiasMEX1400
15Rangel, RegiaMEX1400
16Salazar, CarlosMEX1400
17Salazar, MikelMEX1025
18Castro, MilanMEX1000
19Lopez, AdrianMEX1000
20Esparza, DanteMEX900