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Compeonato Amapaense de Xadrez Escolar 2024 Sub-10

Last update 22.06.2024 23:47:48, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Amapa

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Starting rank

1Ronaldo, Santos Carvalho NetoBRA1828EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
2Pedro, Da Costa BezerraBRA1795ESC. RONDÔNIA
3Ayalla Xandrielly, Nunes BorgesBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
5Donatella, Martins CarvalhoBRA0COLÉGIO MODERNO
6Ian, Rafael Lopes De AraujoBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
7Jose, Pietro Santos PereiraBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
8Josue, Santos de OliveiraBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
9Luiz, Samuel Pelaes RodriguesBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
10Octavio, Augusto Da Costa PalhetaBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
11Pedro, Henrique Vilhena CostaBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
12Victor, Tupac Lima AlencarBRA0SESI
13Vitor, Gabriel De Almeida MirandaBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO
14Yasmim, Rafaele Figueiredo LimaBRA0EMEF ELITA NUNES MELO