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Rundu June Brawl

Վերջին արդիացում29.06.2024 19:42:17, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Denilson, HainguraNAM0
2Jackob, PetrusNAM0
3Kavare, EsauNAM0
4Kawende, PetrusNAM0
5Likuwa, MosesNAM0
6Limbu, Lito AlpayNAM0
7Luciano, Amadeu ChietoNAM0
8Mukuve, FranciscoNAM0
9Mulyata, FabianNAM0
10Mumbula, Shaun mubianaNAM0
11Ndoda, SimbarasheNAM0
12Ndumba, AlfonsNAM0
13Nicolaus, TjanganoNAM0
14Rengi, JasonNAM0
15Richard, Apelles NdaraNAM0
16Richard, BandaNAM0
17Ropafadzo, TsaraNAM0
18Siteketa, JohannesNAM0
19Siwoko, ZefaniaNAM0
20Thindhimba, FameNAM0
21Tinashe, MutambudziNAM0