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Bank Windhoek 2024, Keetmanshoop Open Section

Senast uppdaterad22.06.2024 20:06:56, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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1Beukes, Sergio15216489NAM0Keetmanshoop
2Blaauw, IngeNAM0Keetmanshoop
3Blaauw, Loamie15218295NAM0Keetmanshoop
4Eiaseb, RonaldNAM0
5Eiman, LizetteNAM0
6Eiman, RickyNAM0
7Goreseb, JasonNAM0
8Kasuto, NetoNAM0
9Lilata, DannyNAM0Keetmanshoop
10Moses, LeonardNAM0Keetmanshoop
11Van Loggerenberg, Witse15213684NAM0Keetmanshoop
12Van Zyl, RoesseNAM0Keetmanshoop