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Torneo de Ajedrez Calpulalpan SUB-14

Last update 23.06.2024 17:41:01, Creator/Last Upload: RamsesZO

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Starting rank

1Carro Vera, Valentina29621640MEX1527Tlaxcala
2Noh, Tetlalmatzi IkerMEX1526Tlaxcala
3Aguirre Portillo, Esteban AugustoMEX0
4Alarcon Ramirez, Carlos AlanMEX0
5Cruz Torres, EaerendiMEX0
6Esquivel Blancas, GaelMEX0
7Gonzalez Morales, Yocelin PaolaMEX0
8Hernandez Hernandez, JazielMEX0
9Hernandez Martinez, Owen AlejandroMEX0
10Rodriguez Mulato, GerardoMEX0
11Rodriguez Rojas, Diego ImmanuelMEX0
12Ruiz Tizatl, Danna SophiaMEX0