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Salcete Taluka U14 Boys Inter School Selection 2024

Last update 22.06.2024 11:21:26, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association

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Rank after Round 6

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
122. Manovikas E.M.S Margao5500101791
243The Kings School5401816,587
333. Mahila & Nutan Eng H/S, Margao5401815,588,5
427O. L. O. Snows H/S Raia540181484,5
521Infant Jesus H/S Colva540181378,5
611. Vidya Vikas Academy5311715,588,5
730Posh Eng H/S, Navelim5311713,573
844. Ravindra Kerkar Dnyanmandir5311712,592
928Perpetual Succor Convent H/S Navelim5311712,568
1014Dr. K B Hegdewar H/S531171279,5
1122IQRA School523071261,5
1255. Blooms International School, Nuvem5311711,584
1332Sacret Heart of Jesus Carmona530261454
1419Holy Rosary Convent Nuvem522161372,5
1515Fr. Agnel Multi H/S Verna530261281
1611Bhatikar Model H/S, Margao5302611,583,5
1720Holy Spirit, Margao522161178
1817Govt. Middle School, Marago522161168,5
1912Crescent School, Fatorda5221610,576,5
2033Shishu Vikas H/S Rawanfond5302610,566
2140St. Theresa Conv H/S Raia521251263
2213Damodar English H/S521251079
2337St. Pius X H/S, Orlim513159,566,5
2441St. Xaviers H/S Velim521259,566
2529Popular H/S Margao521259,557
2616Govt. H/S Vidyanagar52125973,5
2735St. Anthony H/S Veroda520349,557,5
2838St. Rita H/S Maina52034961
2910Bethany Convent H/S512248,578,5
3023Loyala HS, Margao520348,568,5
3131Regina Martyrum H/S, Asolna52034853,5
3218Govt. Multi H/S, Borda520347,570,5
3342T B Cunha H/S Margao51133961
3439St. Rocks H/S, Tollecanto Velim50323763,5
359Auxilium H/S Benaulim511336,561
3634St. Anthony H/S Margao511336,559,5
376A. I. M. English H/S Rumdamol51133670
3825Marina English H/S Verna51133563
3926O L O Carmel H/S Curtorim51042656,5
408Adarsh H/S Margao510425,567
417A. I. M. Salcete H/S Rumdamol51042455
4244V G Shenvi H/S, Rawanfond50141664,5
4336St. Mary H/S Varca50141647
4424Mahalasa Narayana H/S Verna50141361,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum Of team-points Of the opponents And own points)