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Interescolar de Ajedrez_CAT SUB 12_ Goethe 2024

Last update 22.06.2024 05:28:58, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

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1Torales G., Ivan Alejandro B.3710785PAR1819
2Andadas Person, SantiagoPAR0
3Andrada Person, VictoriaPAR0
4Barrientos, FranciscoPAR0CONCORDIA
5Chamorro López, FelipePAR0
6Cristaldo Benitez, Santiago RubenPAR0CONCORDIA
7Diarte Medin, ErnestinaPAR0
8Doldan Meza, DanielPAR0
9Enciso Manzoni, Miguel AngelPAR0SIL
10Escobar Acosta, IgnacioPAR0
11González Florentin, MaximilianoPAR0
12Jimenez, RicardoPAR0SANTA ANA
13López Fariña, Juan IgnacioPAR0
14Lopez Fariña, Juan IgnacioPAR0
15Oviedo Sanabria, Bruno SamuelPAR0CONCORDIA
16Samudio Grau, Joaquin AdrianPAR0CONCORDIA
17Sarabia Zavala, BenjaminPAR0CONCORDIA
18Zorrilla Ojeda, Mia AnabellaPAR0CONCORDIA