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Interescolar de Ajedrez_CAT SUB 10_ Goethe 2024

Senast uppdaterad22.06.2024 05:28:45, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

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1Salomon Casali, Oliver3713709PAR1607
2Alvarenga Bríos, Julio AndrePAR0
3Arza Enciso, FrancoPAR0SAN JOSE
4Campos Kaimen, Enzo NicolasPAR0SAN JOSE
5Ceballos, SimonPAR0SANTA ANA
6Christin Aguilera,, BenicioPAR0
7Cubilla Rodriguez, Alvaro IgnacioPAR0SAN JOSE
8Gimenez Sandoval, Guillermo JavierPAR0SAN JOSE
9Gruhn Canela, ErnestoPAR0
10Jure Morinigo, Raisa MariaPAR0SAN JOSE
11Larrosa Nuñez,, EstebanPAR0
12Lombardo Griffith, LucaPAR0
13Maendel Button, Nicolas JacobPAR0CONCORDIA
14Martin Domaniczky,, JoséPAR0
15Nuñez Gorostiaga, Prisco AntonioPAR0CONCORDIA
16Ojeda Spiridonoff,, OliviaPAR0
17Orrego Sosa, LautaroPAR0SIL
18Pedretti, LucianoPAR0SANTA ANA
19Planás González, LucianaPAR0
20Prono, OctavioPAR0GOETHE
21Recalde Castillo, Jorge BernardoPAR0SAN JOSE
22Rieder Pompa, RainerPAR0
23Rojas Ortiz,, CesarPAR0
24Sanchez Avila, MaximilianoPAR0CONCORDIA
25Silva Trinidad, Juan JosePAR0SAN JOSE
26Zarza Centurion, EnriquePAR0GOETHE