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Interescolar de Ajedrez_CAT SUB 08_ Goethe 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 22.06.2024 05:28:28, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

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Štartová listina

1Alen Lubian, MateoPAR0
2Casariego Gonzalez, JoaquinPAR0SIL
3Chovo, MaximoPAR0FRANCES
4Coronel Duarte, AlejandroPAR0
5Cuevas Ciotti, Leonor IsabellaPAR0CONCORDIA
6Garcia Caro, NereaPAR0FRANCES
7Jure Ratzlaf, YairPAR0
8Lozada Alvarez, Pia ConstanzaPAR0CONCORDIA
9Lugo, FedericoPAR0
10Lugo, FedericoPAR0FRANCES
11Maendel, Roxana MariaPAR0CONCORDIA
12Marcet Cristaldo, GonzaloPAR0
13Morinigo, Valentina SophiePAR0FRANCES
14Pekholdz Gertopan, PatrickPAR0SIL
15Penners Enns, Lucas DPAR0CONCORDIA
16Rios Riveros, JoséPAR0
17Riveros Cabañas, MiguelPAR0
18Rojas Ortiz, Eduardo.PAR0