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Open Rapid Oostkamp-Brugge - ronde 8

Darrera actualització24.06.2024 10:13:45, Creador/Darrera càrrega: West Flanders Chess Federation License 3

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Rànquing inicial

1Piceu, Kurt219843V2031
2Jacques, Robrecht206687V2005
3Goossens, Franky241490V1996
4Piceu, Jarid241911V1972
5Roose, Casimir248231V1852
6Kleppe, Emiel289760V1850
7De Block, Jasper282456V1765
8Schalembier, Kylian249564V1710
9De Meyere, Dirk214523V1660
10Cabooter, WernerV1531
11Meulemeester, Joran286729V1490
12Vandendorpe, RogerV1490