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Campeonato Regional Centro-Oeste Senior +65 STD 2024

Last update 23.06.2024 18:22:34, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1FMMaximo Valerio Macedo10532102307BRA18861944S65RN
2NMCassio Roberto Sopko185042167867BRA18551926S65DF
3NMGilmar Dias Machado13102106302BRA18141852S65MG
4NMIvo Pereira De Arruda Filho18162108852BRA18071956S65GO
5Erico Mendonca84882184729BRA17811787S65MS
6Otavio Moraes Campos298882110725BRA17781901S65GO
7Wesley Goncalves Da Silva3801244746300BRA01721S65GO
8Maria Izabel da Penha Mendonca0BRA00wMS