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ID CBX 7489/24

Festival Sudeste da Criança e Juventude 2024 - Sub-20 Absoluto

Senast uppdaterad23.06.2024 20:52:55, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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1Luiz Henrique Silva Peres85155BRA01836U20SPSP
2Matheus Henrique Goncalves Nunes62531BRA01800U20SPPoá Academia
3Wesley Goncalves Da Silva63824BRA01800U20MGSicoob Agrocredi
4Augusto Katsuo Izawa Maciel67553BRA01788U20SPAtleta Cidadão - São José dos Campo
5Igor Souza Lima Alonso60844BRA01755U20SPSP
6Caua De Paiva Leite80548BRA01742U20SPSP
7Kouki Hayashi37383BRA01695U20SPSP
8Klebert Rene Machado Goncalves Junior86841BRA00U20SPEscola Paulista de Medicina