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ID CBX 7499/24

Festival Sudeste da Criança e Juventude 2024 - Sub-10 Absoluto

Last update 23.06.2024 21:08:13, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1Guilherme Ribeiro Fortes82601BRA01800U10MGE.M. Euclides Fortes/Marmelópolis
2Kevin Daniel Coggan Slaughter6910544710631BRA01800U10SCClube de Xadrez de Blumenau
3Lino Dias Nunes76716BRA01800U10RJAlex
4Lucca Jun Eto Hirota71688BRA01800U10SPAugusto Laranja
5Victor Takeshi Sales7751444733097BRA01800U10SPSP
6Lucas Pereira Santos66490BRA01794U10MGGenius/ Itajubá
7Lucas Haas Lessa Tomm6624022785701BRA01781U10SPCaris Xadrez - SJC
8Joao Pedro Marinelli Soares da Silv8471244771150BRA01779U10SPSão Paulo
9Arthur Jiahao Chen66551BRA01758U10SPEscola de Xadrez de Osasco
10NMRenato Mizuki Pfuller Namidomi Branco6576922785671BRA01698U10SPColégio Augusto Laranja
11Gabriel Da Costa Corsini86433BRA00U10SPARBOS / PMFC / SANTO ANDRÉ
12Pedro Giorgi Rossi87579BRA00U10SPPueri Domus
13Samuel Fialho Santana80196BRA00U10SPMater Puríssima