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ID CBX 7500/24

Festival Sudeste da Criança e Juventude 2024 - Sub-10 Feminino

Last update 23.06.2024 20:26:27, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1NMGiovanna Almeida Magalhaes6392622783903BRA01862wF10MGCurso G9/ Genius Xadrez
2Lais Yuki Cadima Sakajiri71444BRA01800wF10SPColégio Augusto Laranja
3Lorena Rolim De Moraes71906BRA01800wF10SPAugusto Laranja
4Yasmin Goncalves80787BRA01800wF10SPColégio São José Bauru
5Julia Neves de Araujo78717BRA01775wF10MGCurso G9/ Genius xadrez/ Itajubá
6Ana Helena Leite Aulicino79819BRA01721wF10GOLIGA SANTISTA DE XADREZ/SUPERA
7Julia Kaori Jbara87214BRA00wF10SPNippon Country Club, Arujá - SP
8Maria Vitoria Fortes86063BRA00wF10MGE.M. Euclides Fortes/Marmelópolis