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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Rating Display: SCO: Scottish allegro ratings on 1st June ENG: English rapid ratings on 1st June WLS: Welsh rapid ratings on 1st June2024 UK Chess Challenge Scottish Gigafinal Under 18اخر تحديث23.06.2024 19:25:03, منشئ/آخر رفع: alexholowczak
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | | اسم اللاعب | تقييم | جنس | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | | Shidlagatta, Anirudh | 2095 | | Hampton Hill |
2 | | | Blackford, Ross | 1965 | | Knox Academy |
3 | | | Gulijevs, Eldars | 1951 | | Fernwood |
4 | | | Madhaven, Sanjith | 1935 | | St Ninian's High School |
5 | | | Munshi, Aryan | 1895 | | Kelvinside Academy |
6 | | | Kitaev, Daniel | 1830 | | Linlithgow Academy |
7 | | | Gera, Marvin | 1769 | | Craigmount High |
8 | | | Thimmegowda, Krishnaswaroop | 1720 | | Wolverhampton Grammar |
9 | | | Willder, Matthew | 1656 | | George Watson's |
10 | | | Thomas, James | 1631 | | Downend & Fishponds |
11 | | | Roul, Tushar | 1627 | | Glasgow Academy |
12 | | | Vaddhireddy, Sai | 1600 | | Altrincham Grammar |
13 | | | Mykhnenko, Marijka | 1421 | w | Ke Five Ways |
14 | | | Kudimov-Campeanu, Constantin | 1157 | | University College School |
15 | | | Ducker, Harry | 1132 | | St Ambrose |
16 | | | Wilson, Florence | 1110 | w | Broughton High |
17 | | | Corr, Jonah | 1099 | | Friend's |
18 | | | Alvarez Garcia De Sola, Lucas | 973 | | None |
19 | | | Skornyakov, Anton | 972 | | Merchiston Castle |
20 | | | Gatenby, Sean | 919 | | Boroughmuir High |
21 | | | Verity-Povoas, Hugo | 872 | | James Gillespie's |
22 | | | Bhaduri, Anjishnu | 818 | | Robert Gordon's College |
23 | | | Rendon, Daniel | 751 | | Robert Gordon's College |
24 | | | Arun, Rishon | 715 | | Tynecastle High |
25 | | | Davidson, Ciaran | 0 | | None |
26 | | | Hodgkiss, Callum | 0 | | Laurence Jackson |
27 | | | Smith, Micah | 0 | | Aboyne Academy |