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The Swakop Uranium mining company holds a sports festive every year to celebrate thier success and commitment. In the midst is chess. The finest strategical minds are brought into a room to test one another and a champion is produced. Good Luck!

Swakop Uranium Chess 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.06.2024 17:02:01, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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1Amushila, ShuneniNAM0
2Andreas, SidneyNAM0
3Chen, CanqiNAM0
4Gaeeb, RotrickNAM0
5Ganuseb, AlfeusNAM0
6Guiseb, BruceNAM0
7Iipinge, WilbardNAM0
8Ikaku, ElifasNAM0
9Kamendu, EpsonNAM0
10Kapweya, MekondjoNAM0
11Kheimseb, EltonNAM0
12Liu, XiNAM0
13Mondjila, MondjilaNAM0
14Moses, TobiasNAM0
15Naobeb, HotaniNAM0
16Narib, WilliamNAM0
17Omole, Jerry JoeNAM0
18Shilongo, LukiusNAM0
19Sinime, StephanusNAM0
20Titus, LikiusNAM0
21Tjijazembua, AbiudNAM0
22Uri-Khob, DesmondNAM0
23Zhangjie, WeiNAM0