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SS Lulea Blixt-KM 2024

Last update 21.06.2024 09:49:30, Creator/Last Upload: NSF

Starting rank list of players

4Marcussen, Arno1718819SWE2159
6Vesterlund, Jonny1722670SWE2064
9Harlin, Jacob1728180SWE2030
1Chernov, Ilia1776479SWE1942
2Andersson, Soren1737899SWE1933
7Nackholm, Erik1721593SWE1919
8Harlin, Patrick1728067SWE1873
5Reimhagen, Mats1721615SWE1705
3Glaad, Mats1722638SWE1688
10Ronnblom, Edvard1780409SWE0
12Svensson, HansSWE0
11Syk, JoelSWE0