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II Liga Superior de Ajedrez Universitario 2024 - Femenino

Posledná aktualizácia 17.07.2024 02:02:53, Creator/Last Upload: fespinoza

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Štartová listina

1Munoz Cortez, Anahi Alexandra6109527NCA1908UAM
2Martinez Orozco, Cristiana Yorlene6107079NCA1757UAM
3Briones Leiva, Adyari Daniela6112803NCA1661CUR ESTELI
4Serrano Herrera, Daniela De Andrea6107168NCA1600UAM
5Pena Baltodano, Sharon Isabel6111602NCA1576UNMRMA
6Pena Baltodano, Yaddolly6111599NCA1523ALMA
7Real Miranda, Halinda Mariel6112226NCA1465UAM
8Cerda, NazarethNCA0UNI
9Flores Reyes, ItzelNCA0UNI
10Garcia, LaishaNCA0UNI
12Granados, Maria JoseNCA0UNI
13Morales Urbina, Michelle Vanessa6113877NCA0UNP
14Orozco, Dania FernandaNCA0UNP
15Petters Rodriguez, Fatima SofiaNCA0ALMA
16Reyes Chavarria, Elmara Antonella6113486NCA0ALMA
17Rizo Rovira, Virgy Thais6112633NCA0ALMA
18Rocha, DeboraNCA0ALMA
19Rodriguez, MeylingNCA0ALMA
20Soza, AbigailNCA0ALMA
21Velasquez Ulloa, Jade JeannethNCA0CSEM
22Villalobos, FrancisNCA0UAM
23Wheelock, Ostdania CarolinaNCA0UNP