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Torneo Rapido Semanal del Club Rey Blanco de Tapachula Categoria Libre

Last update 21.06.2024 02:59:15, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank

1Bruno, ErickMEX0
2Bustos, DarienMEX0
3Calderon, CarlosMEX0
4Cancino, RafaelMEX0
5Castillo, AlfredoMEX0
6Escandon, JonathanMEX0
7Fuentes, VictorMEX0
8Lopez, MiguelMEX0
9Matias, JosueMEX0
10Noriega, JorgeMEX0
11Paredes, AngelMEX0
12Ramon, VictorMEX0
13Rivas, AndresMEX0
14Solis, RodrigoMEX0
15Valdiviozo, AlejandroMEX0
16Vasquez, JuanitoMEX0
17Espinoza, SofiaMEX0
18Cancino, AliceMEX0