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Clasificación a Bolivarianos 2024 Varones Modalidad BLITZ control 2

Last update 23.06.2024 19:49:04, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

Starting rank list of players

1Giron Chavez, David EmanuelGUA2169
3Sarat Morales, Victor EmilioGUA1979
9Juarez Flores., GustavoGUA1974
8Molina, HeyssonGUA1959
6Juarez Flores, RobertoGUA1840
4Schmid B., Walter StuardoGUA1825
5Corado Castañeda, Adrian MauricioGUA1802
2Aguilar de Leon, Iker XavierGUA1739
7Monroy, GustavoGUA1687