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60th Anniversary International Akiba Rubinstein Chess Festival ALREH GRANDMASTERS TOURNAMENT

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony25.08.2024 18:38:39, Creator/Last Upload: tkarali

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

5GMDuda, Jan-Krzysztof1170546POL2733
10GMKeymer, Vincent12940690GER2719
6GMSarana, Alexey24133795SRB2717
2GMHarikrishna, Pentala5007003IND2692
7GMFedoseev, Vladimir24130737SLO2687
3GMWojtaszek, Radoslaw1118358POL2680
4GMNavara, David309095CZE2674
9GMShankland, Sam2004887USA2669
8GMVolokitin, Andrei14107090UKR2667
1GMBartel, Mateusz1112635POL2630