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IRT Rapido Tampico III Absoluta

Last update 20.06.2024 01:15:47, Creator/Last Upload: arbiterfelipesalazar

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Starting rank

1Mar Gonzalez, Luis Fernando5102715MEX2052
2Morales Quezada, Jose Guadalupe5116406MEX2011
3Reyes Miranda, Hector29622611MEX1761
4Escamilla Gonzalez, Jorge Gildalthi5181186MEX1758
5Clatza Gonzalez, Amadeo5183863MEX1736
6Ostos Vazquez, Nicolas5188334MEX1601
7Cabrera Rangel, Rodrigo29645662MEX0
8Carreno Bravo, Angello Emiliano29656346MEX0
9Hernandez Roman, Gerardo ArturoMEX0
10Jimenez Salazar, Frida Leilani29657695MEX0
11Montesinos Rubio, Logan Alexander29645689MEX0
12Salazar Rodriguez, Benito29657067MEX0
13Sanchez Cruz, MateoMEX0
14Trevino Martinez, Carlos5189330MEX0
15Trevino Vela, Guillermo29645719MEX0
16Tristan Moreno, Jose Guadalupe29657733MEX0