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Salcete Taluka U17 Boys Inter School Selection 2024

Last update 19.06.2024 12:46:06, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
111. The Kings School66001222,5105,5
222. Loyala HS, Margao65011019,5112
333. Manovikas E.M.S Margao65011018,5105
438St. Pius X H/S, Orlim65011015108,5
524Perpetual Succor Convent H/S Mavelim641191793,5
644. Mahila & Nutan Eng H/S, Margao6411915103
726Posh Eng H/S, Navelim6402816,593,5
814Fr. Agnel Multi H/S Verna6402815,594
913Damodar English H/S640281599,5
1018Holy Spirit, Margao640281491,5
1133St. Anthony H/S Majorda632181484
129Bethany Convent H/S6312714,583,5
1345Vidya Vikas Academy5302714,579,5
1437St. Mary H/S Varca631271490,5
1527Ravindra Kerkar Dnyanmandir6312711,592
1610Bhatikar Model H/S, Margao6303614107,5
1732Shishu Vikas H/S Rawanfond6222612,589,5
186A. I. M. Salcete H/S Rumdamol6222611,588
1916Govt. Multi H/S, Borda6222611,576
2034St. Anthony H/S Marago6141611,575
218Auxilium H/S Benaulim6303611,574
2241St. Theresa Conv H/S Raia630361192,5
2321Marina English H/S Verna622261175
2430Sacret Heart of Jesus Carmona6222610,586
2517Holy Rosary Convent Nuvem630361092
2620Mahalasa Narayana H/S Verna613251279,5
275A. I. M. English H/S Rumdamol621351274
2839St. Rita H/S Maina6213511,581
2942St. Xaviers H/S Velim613251172,5
3035St. Anthony H/S Veroda6213510,573,5
3115Govt. H/S Vidyanagar621351081,5
3231Saviour of the world H/S Loutolim613251077,5
337Adarsh H/S Margao613251070
3423O. L. O. Snows H/S Raia612341084
3512Crescent School, Fatorda604241078
3636St. Joseph Conv. H/S, Nagoa604249,570
3722New Era H/S Margao511349,563,5
3844V G Shenvi H/S, Rawanfond61234962
3940St. Rocks H/S, Tollecanto Velim511348,563,5
4025Popular H/S Margao60424882,5
4119Infant Jesus H/S Colva51134857,5
4211Blooms International School, Nuvem611431069
4329Rosary H/S Navelim611437,573
4428Regina Martyrum H/S, Asolna60242769
4543T B Cunha H/S Margao40041249

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum Of team-points Of the opponents And own points)