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Rolling Chess KBK St Paulus Tompaso Baru Session 2

Last update 17.06.2024 15:31:21, Creator/Last Upload: WACANA_2023

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Starting rank

1Aldy Mondoringin,INA0
2Daniel Pangkey,INA0
3Edy Manayang,INA0
4Feky Rey,INA0
5France Kokong,INA0
7Hery Wowor,INA0
8Jefry Tarore,INA0
9Jemmy Sampul,INA0
10Kalo Siwu,INA0
11Lambertus Kuntag,INA0
12Leo Lewu,INA0
13Novi Repi,INA0
14Ricko Tampemawa,INA0
15Wensly Kombaitan,INA0
16Will Sumual,INA0