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2024 National Age Group Chess Championships Grand Finals U12 Girls Standard Event

Last update 28.06.2024 08:45:56, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

16Magallanes, Princess Rane5250889PHI1535
7Hilario, Gllasea Ann5239281PHI1531
11Arcinue, Jeanne Marie5254515PHI1518
10Castronuevo, Deandra5262097PHI1517
15Tan, Mary Janelle5262070PHI1501
6Anacio, Jewelle Iris5254477PHI1491
8Borce, Cyreine Jean5275083PHI1482
9AFMQuerequere, Janin Dhrey5266513PHI1453
1Anhao, Moira Thea5284422PHI0
13Barbosa, Beatriz Anne5272360PHI0
14Cuartero, AnnariscaPHI0
3Lagos, Shekinah Reign521004048PHI0
4Paradero, Raya Georgette5244579PHI0
2Proceso, Decie5293650PHI0
5Segara, Hannah5288371PHI0
12Villarojo, Glecy RosePHI0