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2024 National Age Group Chess Championships Grand Finals U16 Boys Standard Event

Last update 28.06.2024 12:56:03, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

3Usman, Mark Gabriel5245605PHI1817
13AGMSrihaan, Poddar25611348PHI1807
1Romero, Gladimir Chester5220173PHI1799
5Tabernilla, Tyrhone James5254434PHI1793
6Borce, John Cyrus5261651PHI1789
11Dimayuga, Vincent Ryu5229790PHI1689
8AIMParadero, Gabriel Ryan5244382PHI1687
7Tabamo, Cassey Miguel5253071PHI1614
2Cuambot, Jecuambs5233062PHI1586
4Aleria, Ghian Michael5224357PHI0
9Atayan, Don Carlo5283930PHI0
10Duterte, Chad521026610PHI0
12Gumonong, Paul MarxPHI0
14Sapuan, Dwayne Alekhine5283922PHI0