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European Individual Chess Championship 2013

Last update 23.06.2013 18:35:20, Creator: Aleksander Sokolski,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Player overview for FIN

85GMNYBACK Tomi2593FIN111½001½½½06922623105,80
171IMSIPILA Vilka2445FIN01001½½00½½4240222810-31,70

Results of the last round for FIN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMNYBACK Tomi25936 0 - 16 GMTOMASHEVSKY Evgeny2719
IMSIPILA Vilka2445 ½ - ½ SZUMILAS Piotr2198

Player details for FIN

GM NYBACK Tomi 2593 FIN Rp:2623 Pts. 6
1227FMRINDLISBACHER Lars2312SUI4,5w 1101,60
2256SZUMILAS Piotr2198POL4s 1101,10
344GMPETROSIAN Tigran L.2645ARM7w 1105,70
441GMMAMEDOV Rauf2649AZE7w ½100,80
57GMKOROBOV Anton2705UKR7,5s 010-3,50
628GMFEDORCHUK Sergey A.2660UKR7,5s 010-4,10
7179FMMERIBANOV Vitaly2431BLR6w 1102,90
88GMELJANOV Pavel2702UKR7,5s ½101,50
99GMJOBAVA Baadur2702GEO6w ½101,50
101GMJAKOVENKO Dmitry2731RUS6,5s ½101,90
112GMTOMASHEVSKY Evgeny2719RUS7w 010-3,30
IM SIPILA Vilka 2445 FIN Rp:2228 Pts. 4
129GMZHIGALKO Sergei2660BLR7s 010-2,30
2249DUBINSKI Mateusz2219POL4,5w 1102,10
358GMKOZUL Zdenko2624CRO6w 010-2,70
4247FMSIMEONIDIS Ioannis2237GRE3s 010-7,70
5244PAPASIMAKOPOULOS Alexandros2242GRE4s 1102,40
6222FMMAEVSKY Nikolay2323RUS5w ½10-1,70
7220STANCIU Alexandru-Ovidiu2335ROU5s ½10-1,50
8230WIMWOREK Joanna2299POL5w 010-7,00
9236WGMCHEREDNICHENKO Svetlana2274UKR4s 010-7,30
10250HRISTODOULOU Panagiotis2219GRE3,5s ½10-2,90
11256SZUMILAS Piotr2198POL4w ½10-3,10