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2024 R&D Showdown & Invitational Tournament-Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.06.2024 00:26:29, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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1Hare, Nathan7406517JAM1861Lintons Academic Services
2Sinclair, Geordan7407890JAM1648Glenmuir High School
3Smikle, Zahmir7405464JAM1564Campion College
4Austin, Yuvraj7408986JAM1485Denbigh High School
5Logan, Liam7407190JAM1443St. Andrew Preparatory School
6Bartlett, Khaleel7405693JAM1371Campion College
7Liao, Justin Michael7410085JAM1274Glenmuir High School
8Fuller, AdrianJAM1247Denbigh High School
9Sunkara, Dedipya7407300JAM1241Campion College
10Myers, Jevonne7405600JAM1116Jonathan Grant