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Jogos Universitário do Distrito Federal JUDF 2024 (Naipe Masculino)

Last update 15.06.2024 19:54:01, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Starting rank

1ALMEIDA, Ygor De Souza530221BRA2244UNB
2VALCARCEL, Vitor Ignacio Dos Santos530051BRA2131Anhanguera Taguatinga
3LEITE, Paulo Gomes534259BRA2112UCB
4FORSTER, Tiago Saito534555BRA1979UNB
5De Melo, Alef GuedesBRA1829UNB
6Ribeiro, Bruno Isac Machado MiguelBRA1800UCB
7Do Nascimento, Felipe Harisson BatistaBRA1800UNB
8Dias, Gustavo AlvesBRA1800UNB
9Chaves, Kaique MacielBRA1800Anhanguera Taguatinga
10De Oliveira, Lucca VelosoBRA1800UNB
11Rocha, Marcelo AlexandreBRA1800Anhanguera Taguatinga
12Roquete, Thiago MonteiroBRA1800Anhanguera Taguatinga